Greens maintenance

BladeRunner heavy duty mower

Specific attachment for the heavy duty clearing and maintenance of uncultivated land or also for eliminating pruning residues or for controlling weeds between rows.


The BladeRunner heavy duty mower with mobile blades is available with the following cutting widths:

  • 60 cm
  • 75 cm
  • 90 cm
  • 110 cm

The Y-blades pulverise brambles, wood coppice, underbrush, vines, etc., distributing them uniformly along the entire cutting width.

Featuring transmission with gears in oil bath and a solid steel structure which ensures durability over time, the single cutting rotor is mounted on bearings that can easily withstand even the toughest stresses.

The cutting height can be adjusted easily and continuously using a crank.


BUYING GUIDE: BladeRunner or RollerBlade ?

Technical Data

Version Cutting width Number of blades Minimum power required* (A) Width Weight
BladeRunner 60 600 mm 30 5 kW 800 mm 72 kg
BladeRunner 75 750 mm 38 6 kW 965 mm 79 kg
BladeRunner 90 900 mm 46 7,5 kW 1130 mm 94 kg
BladeRunner 110 1100 mm 58 8,5 kW 1295 mm 105 kg

* data purely approximate and referred to standard working conditions.


  • Versions available: 60 – 75 – 90 – 110 cm.
  • Single-rotor with “Y”-shaped mobile blades.
  • Automatic blade brake, according to EN 12733 standard and anti-dragging free wheel.
  • Main transmission: high-strength steel gears operating in oil bath.
  • Lateral transmission: belt-driven.
  • Front opening: mobile with canvas and protection bar.

Front wheels.

The front wheels of the BladeRunner facilitate steering during end-of-field maneuvers, around trees or obstacles.


  • They can be set at three different heights to adapt the heavy duty mower to the diameter of the tyres mounted on the machine.
  • They can be lifted to disable their use and minimize the cutting height.
  • For 90 and 110 cm versions only, they can be locked for easier operation on transversal slopes.

Adjustable cutting height.

By using the appropriate crank, the cutting height can be easily and continuously adjusted from 10 to 2 cm*.

A height of only 1 cm can be achieved by excluding the front wheels and installing the rear anti-scalp roller, available as an option.


* data referring to machine with 5.0-10 wheels and attachment in standard configuration.


Accessories available.

  • Lawn mower blades, replacing the Y-blades, so as to use the BladeRunner as a rural lawn mower.
  • Steel side skids to slide the attachment on the ground when used without the front wheels.
  • Rear anti-scalp roller to allow the attachment to “float” on the ground when used without the front wheels. It also helps to compact the shredded material, creating a homogeneous surface.
  • A 14-kg ballast kit can be applied to the red protection bar of the BladeRunner to balance the machine when used on motor mower or two-wheel tractor with diesel engine.